Literacy at Vinalhaven School, K-12
This blog is a place for us to share information, thoughts, reflections... as a team. Enjoy!!
Monday, May 8, 2017
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Monday, February 6, 2017
Sunday, November 27, 2016
A Special Note About Calkins' Assessments
In preparation for the November visit, teachers were asked to administer the post writing assessment to their students at the end of the narrative unit. We observed a pattern we would like to share.
Across great levels, students' work in class appeared better than the work on their assessment piece of writing. While we recognized the element of time prevented students from going back and revisiting pieces, we came to several conclusions. Blake Reidy, 3rd grade teacher, was instrumental in helping us with the discussion around assessment.
Thank you one and all for your hard work. Your students are lucky to have such a dedicated staff.
Across great levels, students' work in class appeared better than the work on their assessment piece of writing. While we recognized the element of time prevented students from going back and revisiting pieces, we came to several conclusions. Blake Reidy, 3rd grade teacher, was instrumental in helping us with the discussion around assessment.
- How the writing assessment is presented to students is key. While teachers want to make students aware they are being assessed, they should be cautious about putting too much emphasis on the assessment, so it is not viewed as a test.
- Students' work should be considered when grading them for proficiency - not the assessment alone. Student journals are a great source for checking to see if the student is carrying over what they have learned and applying it to their every day writing.
- Some of the instruction presented during the units of study, may not be "learned" to the level of proficiency during the unit. Students' level of owning and generalizing what they learn to different writing tasks takes time. To stop and focus all instruction on forms of punctuation would be to derail the writing process. Students will acquire writing strategies as you guide them through the different genres.
Thank you one and all for your hard work. Your students are lucky to have such a dedicated staff.
November Visit - 14-16 ! Following is a photo journal of classroom visits! Serious learning is already happening in all of the classrooms.
Mrs. Conway's K
Kindergarten students are beginning Calkins' Writers' Workshop. Mrs. Conway introduced a format for informational writing by modeling the process with class participation. Two of the key elements for her students were: 1. modeling the actual composition/thinking process and 2. encouraging students to share their ideas with one another. Students are beginning to make the connection that print is thinking written down - a key concept many kindergarteners do not develop early on...leading to confusion later. Great job, Mrs. Conway's class.
Ms. Block's First Grade
Ms. Block is working with her first graders on sustained writing. This is the first year Vinalhaven has had the Calkins Writing Workshop and an extended block of time for writing. This presents challenges to students and teachers alike. A crucial first step for all writers is the ability to write for an extended time. In writing fluency must be established before craft can be applied. Students must be able to compose and write automatically, developing stamina in both thought and action. Ms. Block realizes the importance of this and has employed several steps in the classroom to assure students develop in this area. These steps are posted in the photo above. Kudos to Ms. Block for recognizing this need and addressing it in a pro-active manner. What lucky first graders to have a responsive teacher.
Ms. Block's first graders being observed by Literacy Coach, Cherie Doughty, incorporates writing during a guided reading lesson. Bravo! Writing across the curriculum!
Mrs. Andrews' Second Grade
Mrs. Andrews' second grade has developed a level of fluency. She continues to give students opportunities to practice fluency, with the understanding they are ready for working on their craft. An important element of craft, is audience. Mrs. Andrews has instructed and modeled conferencing extensively. From students' writing as well as Mrs. Andrews' classroom observations, students are applying conferencing strategies to others' work as well as to their own! Teacher and peer conferencing is frequent and on task!
Mrs. Andrews embeds ELA standards during a Social Studies lesson. Student practice close reading, engage in rich conversations, develop vocabulary, and synthesize this process in their writing! Kudos to all of the second graders! Great nonfiction strategies!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
November Visit 14-16
Good Morning, Everyone,
I am writing to remind you I will be coming out for my next visit on November 14-16.
I will arrive on November 14 on the first boat.
November 14:
Cherie, Meagan, and have planned on meeting individually with ELA teachers K-5. Cherie is arranging a roving sub for the day so teachers can meet with us and go over their spread sheets based on their first Calkins unit. This was sent to you early and you were asked to have the data entered by this visit. Teachers should come to the meeting prepared to discuss this with the coaches.
Cherie, Meagan, and have planned on meeting individually with ELA teachers K-5. Cherie is arranging a roving sub for the day so teachers can meet with us and go over their spread sheets based on their first Calkins unit. This was sent to you early and you were asked to have the data entered by this visit. Teachers should come to the meeting prepared to discuss this with the coaches.
Cherie, Meagan and I will make classroom visits to observe writing being taught. De-briefing sessions will be arranged, so the coaches and consultant can provide feedback to classroom teachers to guide instruction.
Cherie, Meagan and I will make classroom visits to observe writing being taught. De-briefing sessions will be arranged, so the coaches and consultant can provide feedback to classroom teachers to guide instruction.
coaches and the consultant will also continue to review the course of
the implementation and pertinent strands of the implementation.
I am planning on leaving on Wednesday - the 2:45 if possible.
- please feel free to contact me and arrange special time to see me
while I am on site. I will be available after school or before school
if that works for you.
See you soon,Darlene
Friday, October 28, 2016
October Visit - 24-26 ! Following is a photo journal of classroom visits! Serious learning is already happening in all of the classrooms.
This was my third visit to Vinalhaven this year. The focus this time was on guided reading. DRA testing is complete and teachers have profiles on each student. They have matched the profile with the guided reading level and have begun teaching. The quality of teaching I have observed was excellent. Classroom routines have been created and students are developing longer attention spans. Kudos to the entire staff. A photo journal follows.
Cherie Doughty and Megan Miller are the two literacy coaches that make classroom visits, compile data, assess students, work with students and coach classroom teachers. They are excellent and we are lucky to have them.
Mrs. Conway has been using guided reading for several years. The group we observed her with were Pre-Emergent Readers, working on the concepts of print. The pace and format of the lesson were excellent. Students both formed letters correctly and were beginning to internalize left to right directionality as well as 1 to 1. Excellent!
Ms. Block's First Grade
Ms. Block was working with a group of Emergent Readers. The students had a corpus of site words and some concepts of print. Ms. Block coached students - teaching them the reading process as well as learning individual items. She followed their lead and supported them as they built self-extending systems - the purpose of first grade reading instruction. Bravo!
Ms. Reidy's group consisted of Early Readers. They had a corpus of known words, concepts of print, and self monitoring strategies. They were able to predict using pictures and had begun to confirm their predictions based on letter and sound information found in the text. This level of cross checking is vital for their growth. Bravo, Ms. Reidy!
Special Recognition for Vinalhaven's Literacy Coaches

During my visit, Mrs. Doughty and Mrs. Miller teamed with me as we coached teachers - observing them with a guided reading group and then providing feedback. They are very perceptive coaches and it is a pleasure to work with them.
Mrs. Conway's K
Ms. Block's First Grade
Ms. Block was working with a group of Emergent Readers. The students had a corpus of site words and some concepts of print. Ms. Block coached students - teaching them the reading process as well as learning individual items. She followed their lead and supported them as they built self-extending systems - the purpose of first grade reading instruction. Bravo!
Mrs. Andrews' Second Grade
Mrs. Andrews' group was for Early Readers. Her students had begun to develop an automatic self extending system. They were also showing signs of self monitoring. Their book was longer and they had many of the concepts of print in place. Chunking words into known parts was one of the strands of their lesson. These are all important strategies to their development as readers. Teaching exactly where the learner is...assures success. Excellent!
Ms. Reidy's Third Grade

Mr. Warren's Fourth and Fifth Grades
Mr. Warren met with Mrs. Doughty and Mrs. Miller to finalize his plan for his ELA block. Exciting things are also happening in Mr. Warren's room. The connections students are making between reading and writing are incredible! Like all of the teachers, this takes a huge amount of planning and hard work. Thank you, Mr. Warren!
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