Is a Shared Learning Target?
you own a global positioning system (GPS), you probably can't imagine taking a
trip without it. Unlike a printed map, a GPS provides up-to-the-minute
information about where you are, the distance to your destination, how long
until you get there, and exactly what to do when you make a wrong turn. But a
GPS can't do any of that without a precise description of where you want to go.
of shared learning targets in the same way. They convey to students the
destination for the lesson—what to learn, how deeply to learn it, and exactly
how to demonstrate their new learning. In our estimation (Moss & Brookhart,
2009) and that of others (Seidle, Rimmele, & Prenzel, 2005; Stiggins,
Arter, Chappuis, & Chappuis, 2009), the intention for the lesson is one of
the most important things students should learn. Without a precise description
of where they are headed, too many students are "flying blind."
Taken from:
Knowing Your Learning Target
M. Moss, Susan M. Brookhart and Beverly A. Long