Mrs. Dempster's Pre-K ELA
Language - both written and spoken - play a key role in Pre-K.
Students are introduced to book language - their introduction to academic language - during their year in Pre-K. Mrs. Dempster also models concepts of print for the students as she reads.
Beginning with their name, each student learns that their words can be written down and read back!
Combinations of writing and images are used consistently throughout the year to build on stages of literacy acquisition*, as students begin to understand that meaning is embedded in spoken and written language. These experiences build the oral and written language pool students use to learn and think.
* See stages of writing at this link:;pageID=351254691699134733;onPublishedMenu=pages;onClosedMenu=pages;postNum=0;src=link
Mrs. Conway's Kindergarten ELA
Mrs. Conway's room is arranged to demonstrate the uses of written language to her students. Real life experiences are crucial for young learners to be engaged with the writing/reading process.
Labeling mailboxes,...

a rich variety of real life writing utensils to choose from, ...
a variety of opportunities to use to write, ...
directions for tasks expected of individuals belonging to the school community, ...
applying directions to their task, ...

and practicing what they learn, where they are in the stage of literacy acquisition. *
* See stages of writing at this link:;pageID=351254691699134733;onPublishedMenu=pages;onClosedMenu=pages;postNum=0;src=link
Ms. Block's 1st Grade ELA
Language is integrated into the classroom by CCSS that are posted in student language and shared with students, providing a clear learning target...
morning message is a daily activity, providing students with the opportunity to use their knowledge of conventions...
and examples of writing formats taught are posted around the room for students to refer to and use as a guide for their own writing.
Mrs. Bennard's 2nd Grade ELA
Evidence of a language rich curriculum was embedded around the room.
A anchor chart on the steps for writing a story..
a science project rich in writing - labeling, sentences, etc.,
dioramas,depicting an important part of the story, and...
reminders of conventions taught posted at eye level on the shelves!
Ms. Reidy's 3rd Grade ELA
Ms. Reidy has CCSS posted throughout her room - clearly displayed - written in student friendly language. She refers to it as she teaches, so students always have a clear goal in their mind.
Students work with Ms. Reidy as they read their Scholastic News with the help of the video provided. Ms. Reidy chunks the text, stopping students at regular points to practice close reading.
This writing is aligned with the standards - in student language - posted around the room. Here is a bulletin board displaying writing that meets the standards students are utilizing!
Mr. Warren's 4th Grade ELA
- Students continue to work on a story, revising their narratives ... using the following cues:1. a schedule with a good chunk of time to spend on their revisions,
2. a mini-lesson with Mr. Warren, making connections, referring students to
mentor texts, ...
and providing students with Calkins' checklist regarding the key elements.
3. And then - of course - coaching individuals as they experience this
process and move towards the CCSS posted on the wall.
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